We started the day with an endo appt - she was happy with me because I only gained 1 1/2 lbs. OK, and there I was worrying that she was going to yell at me because my blood sugar was sitting higher - but she basically said that I am not always in contol of this. She didn't like my blood pressure - 142/70 and wanted to add another med. And on the the MFM appts...
Up next we have an ultrasound - a NST (non stress test) and last but not least an OB appt.
Ultrasound was great - she looks good - LONG legs!! And can you believe it...she is measuring that she weights 4 lbs 5 oz! They said she was right on track - but when I looked at home she was a little ahead of what I've read. Plus if you factor in the 1/2 a week...and 8 weeks left...we are looking at at least a 8 lb baby! Wow. She is head down and facing my left side as of now.
NST - well she did well but it was QUITE the production to get the kid to hold still long enough for the nurse to find her heartbeat and monitor it for 20 minutes...lets just say we were there for over an hour. Everything looked beautiful and as much as I've tried to say she's just shy - there might actually be something to the stubborn thing. She really didn't like all the poking at my stomach and didn't want to stay in one place. Lots of kicks for mommy.
OB visit was good - they questioned the med from earlier and were going to talk to the endo about that and get back to me. She was putting me on a diuretic which I actually thought you couldn't take during pregnancy but I guess you can if you did all along. They would rather add to the does of blood pressure med I am on now - while the thought of retaining less water and being less swollen is appealing - having a problem with fluid levels overall is not what I am looking for and it could end up hurting the baby. I did get a flu shot - Dan will probably get one tomorrow - I guess its important to protect the baby and she will get the antibodies from me when we start breastfeeding.
The only other thing that was interesting was Abby trying to jump out of my belly. We were turning a corner next to a big truck that started to back up - my window was open and the truck had a VERY loud back up beep - that actually made Dan and I jump - just as Dan was saying "Did that scare you" so what 15 seconds later...Abby kicks my stomach SO hard I thought for a second she was coming out - it actually hurt for a while afterwards. The sound was so loud that it actually woke her up and scared her - poor baby. But it was kind of cool - that she responded to outside stimuli - I mean she moves around when I talk to her and say her name but this was different.
Poor baby had a rough day - somehow I am thinking that she is going to take it easy tomorrow.
And still I am thinking...4 lbs 5 oz! WOW! Ok so I looked back - she's gained almost 2 lbs in 4 weeks. Crazy!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Week 32 - whats happening
Dr. Goo.gle says:
Week 32 of Pregnancy: Fetal Postion
This week your baby weighs almost four pounds and could be up to 19 inches long. And though that's a head-to-toe length, your baby is actually back to a curled-up position (you try standing up in those cramped quarters!). At 32 weeks pregnant, you're likely feeling tapping and squirming instead of your baby's signature rocking and rolling. That's because, while comfy, your baby is a bit tight for exercise space right now. Your baby has also probably settled into the head-down, bottoms-up position in your pelvis in prepartion for birth. That's because the fetus's head fits better at the bottom of your inverted, pear-shaped uterus. It also makes it easier during childbirth if your baby comes out head first. Fewer than five percent of babies prefer the bottom-down (or breech) position by full-term. Don't worry if your baby hasn't assumed the head-down position yet. There's still a good chance he or she will flip head-side-down before birth — even in the tight confines of your uterus.
While your baby is still getting nourishment through the umbilical cord, it won't be long before you'll be bringing on the breast milk or formula (and soon after, the mashed carrots and peas). In anticipation of that momentous transition to mouth feeding, your baby's digestive system is all set and ready to go.
And because your baby is accumulating more fat, his or her skin is finally turning opaque (like yours), which means those see-through days are over. Though weeks away from D-day, your baby's looking more and more like a newborn.
And speaking of that big day, hope you're resting up for it — because your bambino certainly is. In preparation for that big first date with you, your baby is sleeping like a baby — with sleep cycles of 20 to 40 minutes long (which would also account for the decrease in movement you're likely feeling these days).
Week 32 of Pregnancy: Fetal Postion
This week your baby weighs almost four pounds and could be up to 19 inches long. And though that's a head-to-toe length, your baby is actually back to a curled-up position (you try standing up in those cramped quarters!). At 32 weeks pregnant, you're likely feeling tapping and squirming instead of your baby's signature rocking and rolling. That's because, while comfy, your baby is a bit tight for exercise space right now. Your baby has also probably settled into the head-down, bottoms-up position in your pelvis in prepartion for birth. That's because the fetus's head fits better at the bottom of your inverted, pear-shaped uterus. It also makes it easier during childbirth if your baby comes out head first. Fewer than five percent of babies prefer the bottom-down (or breech) position by full-term. Don't worry if your baby hasn't assumed the head-down position yet. There's still a good chance he or she will flip head-side-down before birth — even in the tight confines of your uterus.
While your baby is still getting nourishment through the umbilical cord, it won't be long before you'll be bringing on the breast milk or formula (and soon after, the mashed carrots and peas). In anticipation of that momentous transition to mouth feeding, your baby's digestive system is all set and ready to go.
And because your baby is accumulating more fat, his or her skin is finally turning opaque (like yours), which means those see-through days are over. Though weeks away from D-day, your baby's looking more and more like a newborn.
And speaking of that big day, hope you're resting up for it — because your bambino certainly is. In preparation for that big first date with you, your baby is sleeping like a baby — with sleep cycles of 20 to 40 minutes long (which would also account for the decrease in movement you're likely feeling these days).
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Meet Abby

I have to say that the 3D ultrasound was amazing - just to see a picture of what she looks like was so surreal and beautiful. She is even more real now, if that is possible! I just can't stop looking at the pictures!
Remember you can click on the picture to make it bigger :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Week 31
Wow! Week 31!!
Fetal Development This Week (per Dr. Goo.gle)
Week 31 of Pregnancy: Activity in the Womb
Your baby's on a roll, measuring an impressive 18 inches and weighing in at more than three pounds. You can still expect your developing baby to gain at least three to five pounds, possibly more, before you two meet.
As far as growth goes, your baby's still on a roll, measuring an impressive 18 inches and weighing in at more than three pounds. At 31 weeks pregnant, you can still expect your baby to gain at least three to five pounds, possibly more, before you two meet.
Your baby's brain is working overtime these days, developing faster than ever. Connections between individual nerve cells are growing at a frenetic clip, and your baby can now perceive information from all five senses. Sure, your baby can't smell anything right now, but that's only because he or she is still submerged in amniotic fluid and needs to be breathing air to get a whiff of anything. Lucky for you — and your baby — yours will be one of the very first scents your baby breathes in, a scent that will quickly become his or her very favorite.
So what's your little dove doing all day while you're busy feathering your nest for his or her arrival? Making faces, hiccuping, swallowing, breathing, pedaling with little hands and feet along your uterine wall, and even sucking his or her thumb. In fact, some babies suck their thumbs so vigorously while in the womb that they're born with a callus on their thumb (what a little sucker!).
This morning I scheduled all the classes - Hospital Tour (10/20) - Breast Feeding (10/15) - Birthing Class (10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9). This is in addition to all the other appts! Yikes - things are starting to hop. Oh wait and we are moving on the 14th? Yep. Well there is still a chance we could move the week before but boy we'd really have to get moving on the whole packing thing! Can you say procrastination?? The only thing I didn't schedule was the baptism class - which is every third Tuesday of the month - 10/20...and then 11/17 which I thought might be pushing it. So we will see if we can do it in December - I wonder if they would have a class 12/15? So right, you know I had to call and make sure - and now we are signed up for that. We just need to call and confirm once Abby is born. Cross that off the list too!
I think Dan is the only one with a doctors appt this week! We are also going to the 3D ultrasound on Thursday night - exciting!! And flu shots this week! Hopefully we can get them at the doctors office but if not the hospital has them free all week. I just don't want to stand in line. Makes my back hurt.
Feeling good - sleep is weird - sleep for 2-3 hours wake up for 2-3 hours - go back to sleep for 2-3 hours. And maybe if its a slow day go back to sleep again for 2 hours :). Using the mask faithfully - and I actually made the call to see what I can do about the masks not staying "tight" to my face all night. Since I am not "due" for a new mask until the end of October they have to have a therapist come and see what the problem is and see if I have the wrong kind of mask or whatnot. My first thought was...ugh...that means I have to clean for someone to come over! Yeah - between the limited packing and just general pulling stuff out and going though bins - having a messy house has been the norm... oh well, I guess it will provide some motivation!
Baby Abby seems to be doing well - shes been moving and grooving - especially at night. Seems to be responding more when we talk to her...lol... I woke her up just talking to her the other night and saying her name. Probably just my imagination but it was cool at the time.
Fetal Development This Week (per Dr. Goo.gle)
Week 31 of Pregnancy: Activity in the Womb
Your baby's on a roll, measuring an impressive 18 inches and weighing in at more than three pounds. You can still expect your developing baby to gain at least three to five pounds, possibly more, before you two meet.
As far as growth goes, your baby's still on a roll, measuring an impressive 18 inches and weighing in at more than three pounds. At 31 weeks pregnant, you can still expect your baby to gain at least three to five pounds, possibly more, before you two meet.
Your baby's brain is working overtime these days, developing faster than ever. Connections between individual nerve cells are growing at a frenetic clip, and your baby can now perceive information from all five senses. Sure, your baby can't smell anything right now, but that's only because he or she is still submerged in amniotic fluid and needs to be breathing air to get a whiff of anything. Lucky for you — and your baby — yours will be one of the very first scents your baby breathes in, a scent that will quickly become his or her very favorite.
So what's your little dove doing all day while you're busy feathering your nest for his or her arrival? Making faces, hiccuping, swallowing, breathing, pedaling with little hands and feet along your uterine wall, and even sucking his or her thumb. In fact, some babies suck their thumbs so vigorously while in the womb that they're born with a callus on their thumb (what a little sucker!).
This morning I scheduled all the classes - Hospital Tour (10/20) - Breast Feeding (10/15) - Birthing Class (10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9). This is in addition to all the other appts! Yikes - things are starting to hop. Oh wait and we are moving on the 14th? Yep. Well there is still a chance we could move the week before but boy we'd really have to get moving on the whole packing thing! Can you say procrastination?? The only thing I didn't schedule was the baptism class - which is every third Tuesday of the month - 10/20...and then 11/17 which I thought might be pushing it. So we will see if we can do it in December - I wonder if they would have a class 12/15? So right, you know I had to call and make sure - and now we are signed up for that. We just need to call and confirm once Abby is born. Cross that off the list too!
I think Dan is the only one with a doctors appt this week! We are also going to the 3D ultrasound on Thursday night - exciting!! And flu shots this week! Hopefully we can get them at the doctors office but if not the hospital has them free all week. I just don't want to stand in line. Makes my back hurt.
Feeling good - sleep is weird - sleep for 2-3 hours wake up for 2-3 hours - go back to sleep for 2-3 hours. And maybe if its a slow day go back to sleep again for 2 hours :). Using the mask faithfully - and I actually made the call to see what I can do about the masks not staying "tight" to my face all night. Since I am not "due" for a new mask until the end of October they have to have a therapist come and see what the problem is and see if I have the wrong kind of mask or whatnot. My first thought was...ugh...that means I have to clean for someone to come over! Yeah - between the limited packing and just general pulling stuff out and going though bins - having a messy house has been the norm... oh well, I guess it will provide some motivation!
Baby Abby seems to be doing well - shes been moving and grooving - especially at night. Seems to be responding more when we talk to her...lol... I woke her up just talking to her the other night and saying her name. Probably just my imagination but it was cool at the time.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesdays Dr's Appts
Had a good appts - blood pressure is where it should be - blood sugar is ok but some time periods were tweaked because I might sit a little bit too high after lunch and dinner. Perfectly normal considering the insulin resistance is increasing as pregnancy progresses. I got a little lazy around my birthday about what I was eating - so now I need to go back and pay more attention - I was craving ice cream a little too much and it was killing my overall carb intake. That and I take too many baths so I can't take the pump off when I take a bath - because I guess on a bad day I ended up having it off for 3 hours. So I was missing the basil (continuous stream of insulin) during that time. I guess those nights where I took three baths plus a shower during the day were too much. I am SO going to miss this tub. It has been a savior during this pregnancy.
We had our first non-stress test because I didn't have as much movement the day before - not surprising that a little girl we know was not so cooperative in the heartbeat area - both when the nurses wanted to listen with the Doppler and when they did the NST test Abby didn't want to stay in the same place. She didn't like all the poking on my tummy and was kicking me a lot but in the end they got her. The poor nurse had to hold the monitor on me for at least 1/2 an hour by hand to keep moving it to keep track of the heartbeat. But either way she looks great. Hopefully these will get easier as she gets bigger.
Starting at week 32 I start weekly NST's and then at week 36 go twice a week. Ultrasound at 32 and 36 for growth (woo hoo - two more weeks). The MFM (Dr. appts) stay at two weeks until 36 weeks and then becomes weekly. As of what I know now Endo appts stay at every two weeks but I can and sometimes do send her reports weekly (if something looks wonky). So looks like I will be spending some time at the clinic over the next 2 months - yikes.
I got a no go on anything before week 39 when I asked about 38 weeks and my fear of stillbirth and basically he said as long as she looks good and my blood pressure stays good we are going to 40 weeks unless Abby decides otherwise. Knowing this kid so far - I'll be going to 40 weeks. Basically he said with the monitoring I am covered and if it looks weird at all they know so we should be ok. I didn't think it was possible but I am actually getting the idea that she might be a little stubborn. Could that be genetic? I don't think she is getting the message about having a personality like Dan... This could be interesting.
I asked about what I thought were braxton hicks contractions I've been having... which I've been having a lot of some days - apparently not anything to worry about - normal at this stage but goofy when it happens because from ribs to pelvis everything seizes up for 10 or 15 seconds - which takes my breath away and I make a funny groaning sound like an old man in the morning. It seems to happen a lot when I move or switch positions - which even happened in my sleep last night. As in I woke myself up! But normal and does no harm. He went over what to look for in real labor - you know I can see us being the people who go too early to the hospital and its false labor...or waiting too long because we aren't sure if its labor. D'oh. Maybe we'll just get induced...lol...we can't screw that up can we?
Here's voting for something obvious to happen - like water breaking! DO I need to say - after 38 weeks? Probably...you know...be careful what you wish for and all that.
We had our first non-stress test because I didn't have as much movement the day before - not surprising that a little girl we know was not so cooperative in the heartbeat area - both when the nurses wanted to listen with the Doppler and when they did the NST test Abby didn't want to stay in the same place. She didn't like all the poking on my tummy and was kicking me a lot but in the end they got her. The poor nurse had to hold the monitor on me for at least 1/2 an hour by hand to keep moving it to keep track of the heartbeat. But either way she looks great. Hopefully these will get easier as she gets bigger.
Starting at week 32 I start weekly NST's and then at week 36 go twice a week. Ultrasound at 32 and 36 for growth (woo hoo - two more weeks). The MFM (Dr. appts) stay at two weeks until 36 weeks and then becomes weekly. As of what I know now Endo appts stay at every two weeks but I can and sometimes do send her reports weekly (if something looks wonky). So looks like I will be spending some time at the clinic over the next 2 months - yikes.
I got a no go on anything before week 39 when I asked about 38 weeks and my fear of stillbirth and basically he said as long as she looks good and my blood pressure stays good we are going to 40 weeks unless Abby decides otherwise. Knowing this kid so far - I'll be going to 40 weeks. Basically he said with the monitoring I am covered and if it looks weird at all they know so we should be ok. I didn't think it was possible but I am actually getting the idea that she might be a little stubborn. Could that be genetic? I don't think she is getting the message about having a personality like Dan... This could be interesting.
I asked about what I thought were braxton hicks contractions I've been having... which I've been having a lot of some days - apparently not anything to worry about - normal at this stage but goofy when it happens because from ribs to pelvis everything seizes up for 10 or 15 seconds - which takes my breath away and I make a funny groaning sound like an old man in the morning. It seems to happen a lot when I move or switch positions - which even happened in my sleep last night. As in I woke myself up! But normal and does no harm. He went over what to look for in real labor - you know I can see us being the people who go too early to the hospital and its false labor...or waiting too long because we aren't sure if its labor. D'oh. Maybe we'll just get induced...lol...we can't screw that up can we?
Here's voting for something obvious to happen - like water breaking! DO I need to say - after 38 weeks? Probably...you know...be careful what you wish for and all that.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Guess what she did today?
She kicked me hard enough to show outside - as in I could see my stomach move when she kicked me. Weirdly enough it didn't feel that hard from the inside - plus it was on the right side next to my ribs - not a place I usually feel her kick me.
I wish Dan had been home, that part made me sad. But she was kicking at his hand a lot last night - hopefully she will show him what she can do when he gets home. We miss him since he is working a double today...the animals are looking out the window for him...me...I'm lonely without him. Oh well, six more hours. I think the lack of activity and never leaving the house is bugging me a little today.
Last week I had probably almost a week of almost full nights sleep every night...and then the last three nights have been back to the old school - waking up every half hour at certain points- the last two nights I wake up after sleeping an hour or two - stay awake for 2 or 3 hours and then do the every half hour thing until 5 - stay awake until 8 and then wake up every half hour until 10 or 11. I can take everything but the every half hour thing - it drives me crazy. The mask is going wonky stuff so I have to find out who to call about that - it looses suction and then blows the air out into my eye or just gets really noisy - which makes me think it isn't working correctly at that point anyway. But I still use it - I have a hard time sleeping without it or at least falling asleep without it now. Our air was on the fritz last night and this am so maybe that was part of the problem - but (knock on wood) it seems to be working. Me and the heat and the swelling that goes with it don't get along so well - so hopefully that was my problem last night?? Or is this practice for the days to come???
I wish Dan had been home, that part made me sad. But she was kicking at his hand a lot last night - hopefully she will show him what she can do when he gets home. We miss him since he is working a double today...the animals are looking out the window for him...me...I'm lonely without him. Oh well, six more hours. I think the lack of activity and never leaving the house is bugging me a little today.
Last week I had probably almost a week of almost full nights sleep every night...and then the last three nights have been back to the old school - waking up every half hour at certain points- the last two nights I wake up after sleeping an hour or two - stay awake for 2 or 3 hours and then do the every half hour thing until 5 - stay awake until 8 and then wake up every half hour until 10 or 11. I can take everything but the every half hour thing - it drives me crazy. The mask is going wonky stuff so I have to find out who to call about that - it looses suction and then blows the air out into my eye or just gets really noisy - which makes me think it isn't working correctly at that point anyway. But I still use it - I have a hard time sleeping without it or at least falling asleep without it now. Our air was on the fritz last night and this am so maybe that was part of the problem - but (knock on wood) it seems to be working. Me and the heat and the swelling that goes with it don't get along so well - so hopefully that was my problem last night?? Or is this practice for the days to come???
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Week 29 (a little late)

Whats happening from Dr Internet...
Your baby's packing on the pounds, which look so cute on her. Your baby weighs nearly three pounds now and measures about 17 inches. Though she's getting pretty close to her birth length, she still has to chub out a bit. In fact, over the next 11 weeks, she'll more than double — or even come close to tripling — her weight. And as she grows and room in your womb gets tighter, you'll be less likely to feel those big kicks and more likely to get poked by an elbow or jabbed by a knee.
Whats happening from me...
Lots of movement most days - I can tell that she is still head down because she kicks upward and I feel the vibration in my stomach or a sharp pain over on the side. Plus sometimes it just feels heavier lower and there is more pressure. You can tell she is getting stronger because sometimes it actually hurts or is shockingly strong when she kicks or punches me. She always wakes up when we are in the car - which I think is funny because that puts me to sleep. I think she had hiccups for the first time yesterday - it felt really funny - this little bumping that happened every 15 seconds or so.
We both are so excited to meet her and seem to be feeling emotional about it lately. Lets just say we've been pretty sappy the last two weeks. I think we are both wondering what it will be like when she is here. I watch baby sto.ry or bir.th day and watch a baby being born and put on the mothers tummy and wonder what that will feel like... to be able to look at her and hold her for the first time. I know we both love her already - and I think about when Zoe was born and how everything seemed full of wonder and I can't wait to see this little girl. We've waited almost 4 years to get there and we are so close, its crazy to think that she could be here in 8 or 9 weeks. And I just wanted to get to 12 weeks...and then 26 weeks. Now just get me to 38 weeks :)
We decided we are going to do the 3d/4d ultra.sound soon - we just have to pick the place. There aren't actually tons of them around...but I think it will be exciting to see her - I hope she won't be as difficult as she has been and we can get a good shot of her face or a profile. I'd say sometime in the next two weeks...fun!! And on to week 30!!!!! Woo hoo!!
Your baby's packing on the pounds, which look so cute on her. Your baby weighs nearly three pounds now and measures about 17 inches. Though she's getting pretty close to her birth length, she still has to chub out a bit. In fact, over the next 11 weeks, she'll more than double — or even come close to tripling — her weight. And as she grows and room in your womb gets tighter, you'll be less likely to feel those big kicks and more likely to get poked by an elbow or jabbed by a knee.
Whats happening from me...
Lots of movement most days - I can tell that she is still head down because she kicks upward and I feel the vibration in my stomach or a sharp pain over on the side. Plus sometimes it just feels heavier lower and there is more pressure. You can tell she is getting stronger because sometimes it actually hurts or is shockingly strong when she kicks or punches me. She always wakes up when we are in the car - which I think is funny because that puts me to sleep. I think she had hiccups for the first time yesterday - it felt really funny - this little bumping that happened every 15 seconds or so.
We both are so excited to meet her and seem to be feeling emotional about it lately. Lets just say we've been pretty sappy the last two weeks. I think we are both wondering what it will be like when she is here. I watch baby sto.ry or bir.th day and watch a baby being born and put on the mothers tummy and wonder what that will feel like... to be able to look at her and hold her for the first time. I know we both love her already - and I think about when Zoe was born and how everything seemed full of wonder and I can't wait to see this little girl. We've waited almost 4 years to get there and we are so close, its crazy to think that she could be here in 8 or 9 weeks. And I just wanted to get to 12 weeks...and then 26 weeks. Now just get me to 38 weeks :)
We decided we are going to do the 3d/4d ultra.sound soon - we just have to pick the place. There aren't actually tons of them around...but I think it will be exciting to see her - I hope she won't be as difficult as she has been and we can get a good shot of her face or a profile. I'd say sometime in the next two weeks...fun!! And on to week 30!!!!! Woo hoo!!
The Pictures :)
Oh and I forgot...I was checking out Child.rens Pl.ace yesterday...just to look...lol...mommy spent all her birthday money on lots of cute outfits - at least they we on sale and we got an extra 15% off - but the girl has an outfit for x-mas!!! And a bunch of other days - I just love this pattern on the dress - I even got overalls that match! And tights...and a sweater...and two hats... and shoes...and two shirts and pants...lol. Hey, I waited until Dan came home...but he loved it too and said go for it! And the jacket - OMG so cute!! A girl has to have a few special outfits right? Everytime I swear I am done buying clothes until she is born...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
28 week Dr.s Appt - Growth Scan

Her face is on the right sort of facing you - so you see the eye sockets...
Looking good...baby Abby weighs 2 lbs 9 ounces - measuring exactly 27 weeks 6 days - as in exactly today's age. She is exactly on target. She is head down now - which is crazy but I was not surprised at all - the movements felt different and slightly more pressure below then their had been in the past. At one point we could see one hand playing with her feet and the other over her forehead in a pose. She just wouldn't turn her head for a good profile shot.
My BP was 140/72 - which is ok - not great but ok. Swelling significant...braces for both arms at night for the carpel tunnel - and if needed I can wear them during the day. I had one on today for the afternoon and it seemed like the instances of the dead feeling were less in that hand.
I have to figure out a way to get my wedding band off or I will have to get it cut off :( This will be a project!
Lots and lots of kicking/movement today. I think the days we go out or I am moving around more - she is more active - but anytime we are in the car she wakes up. I have to count three separate times and make sure there are movement/kicks at least 6 times in an hour.
We did get some picture but with her being head down and at a slight angle there really isn't a good profile shot. I'll have Dan scan them and post them later.
Weirdly enough we had to fill out the paper work for admission to the hospital just in case we go into labor early... and next appt I have to set up my appts for non stress tests...so soon on to every week appts. - where they check for contractions and monitor the baby's heartbeat. Wow - look how far we made it! Woo hoo Abby!!
My BP was 140/72 - which is ok - not great but ok. Swelling significant...braces for both arms at night for the carpel tunnel - and if needed I can wear them during the day. I had one on today for the afternoon and it seemed like the instances of the dead feeling were less in that hand.
I have to figure out a way to get my wedding band off or I will have to get it cut off :( This will be a project!
Lots and lots of kicking/movement today. I think the days we go out or I am moving around more - she is more active - but anytime we are in the car she wakes up. I have to count three separate times and make sure there are movement/kicks at least 6 times in an hour.
We did get some picture but with her being head down and at a slight angle there really isn't a good profile shot. I'll have Dan scan them and post them later.
Weirdly enough we had to fill out the paper work for admission to the hospital just in case we go into labor early... and next appt I have to set up my appts for non stress tests...so soon on to every week appts. - where they check for contractions and monitor the baby's heartbeat. Wow - look how far we made it! Woo hoo Abby!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Well here we are almost at week 28. Can you believe it?? She should weigh 2 1/2 lbs now!
We have a check up tomorrow and a growth scan so (HAHAHAHA) maybe a postable picture? Sorry but I am not counting on it at this point. I'm just happy to have them check and make sure everything is ok.
Let see where we are at - I've been working from home for the last 3 weeks until my short term disability was approved...which it was last Friday. That's a relief...now just to get someone at work to give me an idea of how to proceed...
The doctors had originally moved me to part time because of the sleeping issues and how crappy I was feeling overall but what ended up happening was I was working at home and then going in and working - so actually working more than I was before. And totally stressed out, overwhelmed and still not sleeping. So they cut me off completely from going in and said no more work. In order to help work out I ended up working from home a bit so that I was still getting paid during that time. Actually was a blessing since it took them a long time to decide to approve it. Did it help - omg yes. Just not having to make what had become a huge effort to drag myself in was a help. The cpap has been making sure that I at least get some good sleep at night when is helpful over all. Can I go out and walk around for a long time or stand or be normal right now...no, even going to a movie was too much. But I feel better so I'll take it.
But it means that we will get 60% of my salary while I am out - so we are safe to actually start looking for a new place...oh I didn't tell you that? Our lease was up Nov 1st...we knew we didn't want to stay - this may have been new construction but it wasn't good construction ( leaks, moldy walls, no insulation between floors) and there were a lot of "rules" that started happening when they set up the association that actually made it more difficult to live here. And honestly the parking situation was never ideal - it stunk for anyone to visit because there was nowhere to park close by. Plus the rent is more than we can afford right now - at least without making Dan work a ton of extra shifts to afford it.
So I got them to push the lease end date back a month...we have to move by Oct 1st. We spent a little time looking yesterday - one apartment rented two minutes after we left it and the second we couldn't see because the keys were locked in it or missing. We ended up seeing a lot of signs in the area and called on a few - looked at one that might work but is more then we want to spend. So we will go out again tomorrow... At least we got rid of a lot of stuff at my dads doing a family garage sale last weekend - well some of it. Less to pack and a little moving money.
What else - I've taken swelling to a new level and have carpel tunnel in both arms. My feet and legs never go back to normal now and I just look like I have elephantitus or something. At least it doesn't hurt most of the time...just some of it :) Added a new blood pressure med to the mix...because it was creeping back up last week. At least the weight gain had stayed steady. I really think I will drop 20 lbs in water right away, I am so bloated now. Blood sugar did jump up around week 26-27 but we've got it back under control - I guess that this time you are the most insulin resistant in pregnancy - so joy - I am using a lot!
We have a name...would you like to know? We were going to keep it a secret but a little person let the cat out of the bag so we told our families.
Abigail Therese - with the Therese after my grandmother Rita Therese or
Abigail Grace... because Grace means something like Gods gift or blessing - which she is.
So we have an Abby on the way :) It's lots of fun to talk to her and use her name.
Nice birthday yesterday with Dan having the day off - actually he had been off since last Wednesday to work on the garage sale and it was really wonderful to have him around more. Somehow a 40 something birthday is a lot easier than 40 was last year. Guess it could be Abby :)
We have a check up tomorrow and a growth scan so (HAHAHAHA) maybe a postable picture? Sorry but I am not counting on it at this point. I'm just happy to have them check and make sure everything is ok.
Let see where we are at - I've been working from home for the last 3 weeks until my short term disability was approved...which it was last Friday. That's a relief...now just to get someone at work to give me an idea of how to proceed...
The doctors had originally moved me to part time because of the sleeping issues and how crappy I was feeling overall but what ended up happening was I was working at home and then going in and working - so actually working more than I was before. And totally stressed out, overwhelmed and still not sleeping. So they cut me off completely from going in and said no more work. In order to help work out I ended up working from home a bit so that I was still getting paid during that time. Actually was a blessing since it took them a long time to decide to approve it. Did it help - omg yes. Just not having to make what had become a huge effort to drag myself in was a help. The cpap has been making sure that I at least get some good sleep at night when is helpful over all. Can I go out and walk around for a long time or stand or be normal right now...no, even going to a movie was too much. But I feel better so I'll take it.
But it means that we will get 60% of my salary while I am out - so we are safe to actually start looking for a new place...oh I didn't tell you that? Our lease was up Nov 1st...we knew we didn't want to stay - this may have been new construction but it wasn't good construction ( leaks, moldy walls, no insulation between floors) and there were a lot of "rules" that started happening when they set up the association that actually made it more difficult to live here. And honestly the parking situation was never ideal - it stunk for anyone to visit because there was nowhere to park close by. Plus the rent is more than we can afford right now - at least without making Dan work a ton of extra shifts to afford it.
So I got them to push the lease end date back a month...we have to move by Oct 1st. We spent a little time looking yesterday - one apartment rented two minutes after we left it and the second we couldn't see because the keys were locked in it or missing. We ended up seeing a lot of signs in the area and called on a few - looked at one that might work but is more then we want to spend. So we will go out again tomorrow... At least we got rid of a lot of stuff at my dads doing a family garage sale last weekend - well some of it. Less to pack and a little moving money.
What else - I've taken swelling to a new level and have carpel tunnel in both arms. My feet and legs never go back to normal now and I just look like I have elephantitus or something. At least it doesn't hurt most of the time...just some of it :) Added a new blood pressure med to the mix...because it was creeping back up last week. At least the weight gain had stayed steady. I really think I will drop 20 lbs in water right away, I am so bloated now. Blood sugar did jump up around week 26-27 but we've got it back under control - I guess that this time you are the most insulin resistant in pregnancy - so joy - I am using a lot!
We have a name...would you like to know? We were going to keep it a secret but a little person let the cat out of the bag so we told our families.
Abigail Therese - with the Therese after my grandmother Rita Therese or
Abigail Grace... because Grace means something like Gods gift or blessing - which she is.
So we have an Abby on the way :) It's lots of fun to talk to her and use her name.
Nice birthday yesterday with Dan having the day off - actually he had been off since last Wednesday to work on the garage sale and it was really wonderful to have him around more. Somehow a 40 something birthday is a lot easier than 40 was last year. Guess it could be Abby :)
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