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Friday, June 12, 2009

Well its not Father's Day

It seemed like a good idea in concept - give the grandpa's a shirt for Father's Day saying "Grandpa to a new baby XXX". Fun and surprise, right? Because everyone would be together and find out at once.

But we couldn't wait to tell our families... and I stink at keeping a secret and they really wanted to know what we are having. So now everyone gets to know....

We are having a baby GIRL!!!

We seem to be missing males in the next generation of our family - this will be the 4th girl on Dan's side and 2nd on mine but we are super excited. We just went around saying - a girl - a daughter - wow. Well I did and Dan had to listen to it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A GIRL....!!!!!!! Finally, a place to go with all things I have saved.. LOL.