Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day two

As we reach the next 24 hours of Abby's birth, there is progress. Julie had an epidural in the middle of the night after having some nasty contractions. As of 930 this morning she is about 5 centimeters dilated, so we are hoping Abby gets the hint to come on down since we all can't wait to see her!!


Anonymous said...

Sending positive thoughts your way -- and so excited for all of you! I have been lurking from the start and am so happy for you all.

Kristina said...

YAY!!! Can't wait to see pics. What a blessing. You are about to experience the most heart bursting time of your life.

Christine and Stephen said...

WOOHOO... I keep checking for updates!!! Push Julie... Push!!!
